A tranquil lake hidden in Western Etowah County
Thank you to Gene Proctor and employees for your hard work and equipment used in boat launch improvements. Thank you to Riley Peppers for his hard work clearing the boat launch area and digging a new ditch around the parking area.
Currently, the boat launch is under construction to improve parking. We hope to have it finished by late fall.
Please feel free to send us pictures of your family enjoying the lake, including any photos of big fish, family events, and home improvements.
Bristow Cove Estates at Aurora Lake
President: Mark Dixon
Vice President: Michael Dixon
Secretary-treasurer: Cindy Kirkland
Hello, I’m Mark Dixon, current HOA president. Welcome to our website center for Bristow Cove Residents. My cell is 256-613-2979 if you have questions or concerns please call or leave a voicemail. My email is stevedixon.1984aurora@gmail.com